Advancing in my rereading of the Lord of the Rings I suddenly discovered the scale of Faramir, Aragorn much more impressive. Gandalf with something like sniffs Sam, Aragorn and Frodo are then scored by the Elves. Peter Jackson has made a rather wan, gentle but crushed by his father and brother, the youngest complexed. It is much more than that.
He Embraced The hobbits Then, After the Manner of His people, Stooping, and Placing His hands upon Their Shoulders, and kissing Their Foreheads. 'Go with the Good Will of all good men! " he said.
Theys Bowed To The Ground. Then he Turned Without looking back and he left Them and Two Went to His guards That Stood have a little distance away. Theys marveled to see Speed With What Moved thesis greenclad men now, vanishing Almost In The Twinkling of an Eye. The forest has Faramir WHERE Stood Seemed Drear and empty, as if a dream HAD Passed.
More than Boromir, he has the stature of a Steward of Gondor.
I bazard my library. I realize that I do this every ten years: At 25, 35 and now 45. I also realize that a lot of books do not interest me that much, I used them, and exceeded, for example the whole Islamic theology. Change its library is self-auto-da-fe, death and rebirth of the phoenix, make new soul.
When I bazard everything superfluous in my library, I know who I am right now and little by little, as and when the securities will be added, I'll become ten years.
Decided to merge all my blogs, tired of this dispersion. Want a full site, which would include both Amed Vita Nova, the photos, that is to say everything I do, read, said. hesitate to open a third, or which to keep? But I do not want me to burn the Matran Amadiyya, so Amed is that I care who gets everything. The merger is likely to be a cheerful jumble, but I have always been messy in life, I do not see why I would not do on a personal website.
And this morning, walking in the streets, as last night, I felt free . Myself, finally. No one side 'kurdologue' (horrible word!) And the other the mystic-barred Vita Nova, e tpuis photographer and then the collector of music. A blog writer, like Mabanckou said Miss Frog. She is right, always eyeing among colleagues.
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